Emotions: Unlocked - Dive into the purpose and meaning of your emotions - they are your friends!
In this engaging podcast, you will learn what emotions are, why you have them and how they benefit you.
You will hear demos of Emma and Jemima using various techniques to clear and resolve different feelings.
This podcast is an absolute life-changer and relaxed, easy listen. You will be hooked!
Jemima Blazdell has been a therapist since 2010, starting out as an EFT practitioner and is passionate about working with people to find their calm and happiness.
She set up the Stress Free Life Academy to help people learn the techniques that changed her life and in 2022 she published her first book '100 Stress Free Days.'
You can reach out to Emma or Jemima by clicking the links below or emailing:
Emma - hello@innersmileeft.com
Jemima - jemima@stressfreelifeacademy.com
Emotions: Unlocked - Dive into the purpose and meaning of your emotions - they are your friends!
Emotions Unlocked - Season 2, Episode 6 New Beginnings
Navigating New Beginnings: Tapping into Your True Potential
Join us in this insightful session as we delve into new beginnings and the energy surrounding change.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of clearing resistance, expanding our capacity to embrace new opportunities, and the emotional journey that accompanies transformation.
We introduce powerful tapping techniques to ease the transition and realign our focus on future goals.
From personal stories of change to imagining new chapters boldly, this episode will guide you through embracing your new beginning with confidence and ease.
00:00 Introduction and Greetings
00:26 Reflecting on Past Discussions
00:55 Embracing New Beginnings
02:12 Navigating Change and Resistance
04:38 Personal Experiences with Change
05:28 Tapping into New Beginnings
14:25 Visualizing the Future
16:39 Visualization and Tapping Techniques
17:27 Addressing Resistance and Booking Concerns
18:09 Affirmations and Trusting the Process
20:02 Dealing with Feelings of Control and Uncertainty
22:24 Overcoming Resistance and Promoting the Retreat
24:14 Handling Negative Voices and Self-Doubt
26:56 Practical Tips for Effective Tapping
30:46 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
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As always, if you need further help with this or anything else related to navigating this thing called life, Emma & Jemima are only a message away.
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Full Transcript of New Beginnings
Good afternoon, my dear. Afternoon. How are we today? Very good. How are you? Yeah, I'm well, thank you. I am very much looking forward to this. As always. Yeah, I'm actually going to put this on. Bear with me one second while I adjust my view. Okay. Yeah, I'm looking forward to this because we've been talking, haven't we, about We started off with Wonder Woman energy, we started off this series with this new bolder kind of energy and a more kind of positive or at least forward facing focus.
And we talked about clearing the resistance to go for new things. And then we talked about uncrimping the flow so that you could receive those new things. And then we talked about like expanding your capacity to hold those new things. And it feels right that we talk about new beginnings today.
Yeah. It's all around both of us, right? Everywhere I look, every tarot channel, every everything is endings and beginnings, endings and beginning. Yeah, I'm working with a lot of people at the moment about things they've done for years and years and years and years, like 20 years. We're talking about ancestral patterns, family patterns I think a couple of people have been going, I've been thinking about doing this.
for years and I'm finally doing it now, like a new project or a, someone, she said, I've been thinking about this new business for seven years. And I was like maybe your next step is she's I've written the post. I'm going to do the thing. And so she hit go on that. Yeah. So it's and this kind of.
time of year. It's early June when we're recording this. It's this lovely new springy energy. All the leaves are out. Everything's fresh and clean and bright. There's so much promise. You've got the long summer stretching ahead of you. I love this time of year. It's very optimistic and energy rising.
Absolutely. It's like things are getting into full swing, if you like. And I love that feeling. And with everything, you cannot have a, a yin without a yang. When, wherever there is a new beginning, there is an ending of some sort. So something has to give way for something to change or begin again, or, begin in a different way.
And so the way I tend to look at this process that I'm going to take you through today is usually how do we know that it's time for a new beginning is that there's a bit of a rub Right? Something feels off, something feels stale, old, not quite right anymore. And that can create resistance because we have an identity attached to the old thing.
Yeah, but this is who I am. This is what I do. This is how I dress. This is whatever it is. And then we have to deal with those two little bits before we can release that old stuff comfortably, get comfortable with that. And then reimagine that future, that new beginning, right? Absolutely.
Yeah. Because there's always a, there's a grieving, isn't there? That's, even grieving what you thought was going to happen. Absolutely. The life I could have had or, anything, the end of anything. Very much. Even becoming, turning 18, not a child anymore. Like all those kind of things.
Absolutely. Starting a new job. Even if the job you don't like is terrible, exhausting, and you don't want to go, when it actually comes to it, you're like, Oh, I'm going to miss such and such. Yeah, you can grieve for those conversations at the water cooler. You can grieve for that stable paycheck and that, knowing that on the 30th of the month, lo and behold, something, working for yourself.
Yes. Ain't always guaranteed. But it's really important to honour, as we said, and to acknowledge that these are the kind of stages that you go through. And I'm not saying that this is a complete list and exhaustive list. Lots of people see this in different ways. This is just something that I've noticed with my clients and friends and family and all the rest of it that it goes through these kind of transformation layers, if you will.
And I thought it would be nice today to take you through a process of using fairly standard tapping, to be honest, but the wording adjusted to those phases of identifying and acknowledging the rub. Deciding that the resistance is there and I, and something's got to give, giving myself permission to release it.
And then having the courage to reimagine this new beginning and who I have to be to do that and what part of me has to say adios, does. Absolutely. And it's the part that's not helpful, not serving you, not right. We're always growing and changing into something new. Yeah, for sure. So when we think about this then, and again, as with everything, you don't have to talk about it in detail, you don't have to tell me, but can you access A feeling when you think about new beginnings and something that you might have had to let go of to redo something, to do something new or.
Yeah, absolutely. I've had a big change in the last year and my son's. Left home essentially, went off in October, so New Zealand's been there all that time. So it's, it's been about him for 20 years and now it's back to me. So that's a big, very obvious shift and lots of good things have happened, but it's, it's, yeah, there's lots of elements around that.
And I can see, obviously, I can see, for those of you listening, I can see Jemima and her face and her energy and body language as she said that. You can tell there's feelings around that kind of stuff, right? So let's just start tapping on the side of the hand while we get into this and we filter down a little bit.
So this new beginning was for you, if I heard you right, a new beginning where it was time to focus on you it was all about you, predominantly. In the everyday. that in front of you, or how would you describe that new beginning? What was it? It's a shift of focus. From him being my priority, to my business being a priority, to what I want to create being a priority.
Gotcha, okay. And so when you, yeah, when you're thinking about that, there's a rub isn't there with that, there's some soreness. Where do you feel, can you access that soreness? Physically, I get a bit of a lump in my throat and it kicks up the kind of can I do it? Am I getting it right? Am I focusing on the right thing?
I'm just having a check through of my various thoughts and things. What's I don't feel guilty or anything like that because it's he's so happy. He's really, yeah. It's the right thing. It's the next step. Miss him. Yeah. I really miss him some days which. It's meant to happen.
So that feels okay. I don't mind the fact that I miss him. It's not taking me out and I'm not sobbing anywhere and all that kind of stuff. I was at the beginning. So it's tolerable. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's, he's happy yet. So that's good. When it comes to the business, yeah, it's a little bit of I was going to say chaos, like I don't quite know where to start, but probably it'd be a good way of putting it.
So a little bit of tentativeness, I want to get going and I'm not like, what do I do first? That kind of feeling. Okay. And that initial rule. Sorry. One more thing. No more excuses. Now he's, he's he would always come first. Now he's not here. Only me. I've got to just focus on me.
There's nothing else, allowed to step in. That's really interesting, isn't it? And thank you for adding that in because it gives a really important different aspect of that. Okay. So when we've got that sort of top symptom y self talk type layer of, don't know if I can do it. Oh, I've got no more excuses anymore.
Where do I start? All of that stuff. And I miss him. When we drop through that, there's like a layer of resistance. So when you think about the resistance to this new beginning, what comes up for you? I get a general drop in energy of Oh, yes. And then, yeah, this lump in my throat.
And I need help. Yeah. Okay. All right. And the next moving through that layer requires that we release that resistance, right? Otherwise we what do you need to hear, or do you need to say to yourself, what needs to happen for you to release that soreness, that resistance? We're doing this retrospectively.
What did you need to hear or feel even? To know that it's going to be okay. That it's going to work out, but it always does work out. And that sorry, you asked me, what did I need to release? Is that right? Or do I need to hear? What do you need to release? And in order to do that, sometimes we need to hear a certain something.
We need to say something to ourselves. We need to give ourselves permission. Sometimes it's a permission to succeed. Oh yeah. Yeah. It's very nice. And okay. So let's tap on that first and then we'll reimagine this new beginning. Okay. All right. So even though it can feel a bit sore at times. Even though it can feel a bit sore at times.
And for those listening, sorry this is tapping on the side of your hand. You can tap along and borrow the benefits, okay. Right here and right now. Right here and right now. I choose to be gentle with myself. I choose to be gentle with myself. And even though I've got no more excuses. And even though I've got no more excuses.
The focus is on me now. The focus is on me now. And I've got some feelings around that. I've got some feelings around that. Right here, right now. Right here and right now. I'm just doing the best I can to honour it. Just doing the best I can to honour it. Does that feel true?
And even though. And even though. It gives me a lump in my throat. Gives me a lump in my throat. Because there's some resistance in there. Because there's some resistance in there. Because a new beginning is hard. New beginning is hard. I'm going to give myself permission. I'm going to give myself permission.
To trust that it's all going to be okay. To trust that it's all going to be okay. Does that feel okay? Then we're going to go up to the standard tapping points of the eyebrow. It's a bit sore sometimes. It's a bit sore sometimes. Inside of the eye. The focus is on me now. The focus is on me now. Under the eye.
And it's all for a good reason. It's all for a good reason. Under the nose. He's happy. He's happy. Gin. And I miss him but I'm glad he's there. And I miss him but I'm glad he's there. Elbows. But this rub feels sore. This rub feels sore. Under the arm. And I've got a bit of a lump in my throat. And I've got a bit of a lump in my throat.
Top of the head. My energy's dropped a bit. And my energy's dropped a bit. Eyebrow. And it's normal when things feel sore. And it's normal when things feel sore. Side of the eye. That part of me is going to resist that change. That part of me is going to resist that change. Under the eye. And there's a part of me that's wondering, can I do it?
And there's a part of me that's wondering, can I do it? Under the nose. There's a feeling of being tentative. There's a feeling of being tentative. Gin, like I need some help. Like I need some help. And there's no more excuses. And there's no more excuses. Because the focus is solely on me. Because the focus is solely on me.
And I love and accept myself anyway. And I love and accept myself anyway. Does that feel true? For those of you listening, if that, if you struggle to say that, it's okay. Just lean into how good it would feel if you could say it and it felt true. That's the easiest way to get there. Okay, so we're just going to go back round one more time on the eyebrow.
I want to give myself permission. I want to give myself permission. Side of the eye to release this resistance. To release this resistance.
To soothe the soreness. Under the nose, to trust that it's all working out. To trust that it's all working out. Gin, because it always does. Because it always does. There you go. Oh, excuse me. Lovely big yawn, well done. Yeah, thank you. On the collarbones. I want to welcome this new beginning. I want to welcome this new beginning.
Under the arm. I want all parts of me to be aligned to it. I want all parts of me be, to be aligned to it. Top of the head. And I want to give myself permission to trust it. I want to give myself permission to trust it. Does that feel okay? Yeah. Lovely. Let's stop it there and check in a second. So taking a nice deep breath for me.
Tuning in first to the physical. So going back into the body, what's happening with that lump in the throat? Yeah, it's cleared. I've gone into that kind of weird, neutral, don't really, not really focusing on anything. I think forgetting what I'm focusing on. Yes. I cocoony, caterpillar stage of peaceful, neutral and slightly I was going to say confused, but that's too strong a word, but that kind of, Yeah.
Eh? What? Yeah. A bit unclear. Like I've just, like I've just woken up. Gotcha. All right. And tapping can do that sometimes, right? So we can experience a when the energy starts shifting, we can experience a little bit of what I call technically discombobulation, right? Yes. Indeed. And what I'm going to do with you now, yes, indeed, full on discombobulation What I'm going to do now, if you're in agreement is.
It's a very shortened version of what I do called the New Behavior Generator. So it's a way to take EFT and imagine this new future or this new behavior, right? Allowing your mind to paint you a picture of how you want this new future, this new beginning to be. And as we tap, you're going to tell me, much if we do the movie technique on a past memory, what's getting in the way and how aligned that picture feels, how true that feels.
So for example, If you envisaged this new beginning and I said, okay, how true does it feel when you see that image right now or that movie playing out? And you said four out of 10, it's happening. That number will go up because it will feel more and more true. Yeah. And it's, and I'm just, I know you know this, but I'm just explaining it for those listening.
I don't know. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it's a great technique. It's very forward facing, but it also honors the things that's in the way. Let's have a look at that now. So just place a hand on your body, wherever you feel resonates and resonates for you right now, and just drop your attention.
To the place where your hand meets your body, and just notice that sensation.
And as you become present to being back in your body, I'm going to invite you to imagine a movie screen inside your mind. And on that movie screen, you're going to see this new beginning playing out. And rather than try to coerce it one way or another, I'm just going to invite you to allow your mind to paint you a picture initially, and to see what that new beginning looks like.
And let me know when you can access that. Yeah, I went straight to a picture of my retreat and running retreat in October. So that's the culmination of the new stuff because I haven't done one before. I've worked on other people's. This is like a big new thing. Yeah. Very exciting.
And that is a real new chapter for you, isn't it? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Great. For the next couple of minutes, I'm just gonna, and you can butterfly tap if you want to, if you want to tap while we're doing this. So that is crossing over your hands under your collarbones and tapping alternately. Or you can tap on the side of your hand, or just your collarbones with one hand.
And I just want you to imagine that movie playing out of that retreat in October. Obviously, just an extract from it, but just imagine it playing out now. See yourself in as much detail as you can, doing the retreat, getting there, welcoming the guests, however it plays out for you. And just alert me when something comes up that feels like resistance or a possible rub.
I can imagine it all but I've got a few potentials and people saying they want to but nobody's booked on yet. So there's this kind of, that's where the issue is is anyone going to book? Okay. All right, so let's tackle that. So come back to me. So how true did that Or how aligned or true, whatever label you want to put on that.
How true did that image of that movie feel to you, Ayrton? It was so detailed, so clear. I was there. So it felt completely real, like it's already happened. But, there's this big gap, like it may as well be a movie. Yeah. Okay. Let's use that. Even though there's a gap between me and this movie.
Even though there's a gap between me and this movie. Because nobody's booked yet. Because nobody's booked yet. I choose to be gentle with myself. I choose to be gentle with myself. And even though there is a gap. And even though there is a gap. Between the very vivid movie. Between the very vivid movie. And where I am right now.
And where I am right now. I trust that I'm where I'm meant to be. I trust that I'm where I'm meant to be. I choose to be gentle with myself, choose to be gentle with myself. And even though this is so exciting for me, and even though this is so exciting for me and I cannot wait to go and do it, I cannot wait to go and do it.
I just need some bookings. Just need some bookings right here and right now, right here, and right now. Choose to be open to receiving them. Choose to be open to receiving them. What's the eyebrow? This gap. And so the eye this gap between the movie and the reality, gap between the movie and the reality.
I wanted to say gap between what I want and what I have. Gotcha. This gap between what I want and what I have. This gap between what I want and what I have under the nose. The movie felt really vivid. The movie felt really vivid and on the chin and really real. Really real allowance, so I know that I can get there.
So I know that I can get there. Under the arm. Everything is already lined up. Everything's already lined up. Top of the head. It's just that people need time to book in. It's just that people need time to book in. Does that feel true? Or do you want to say that a different way? I don't know if that's true or not.
On the eyebrow. There is a gap. There is a gap. Side of the eye. And I would like to be okay with that for now. I'd like to be okay with that for now. Under the eye. Trusting that gap will close. Trusting that gap will close. Under the nose, and that the perfect clients for me. And that the perfect clients for me.
Chin, will find me easily soon. Will find me easily soon. That feel okay? Collarbones. What else feels important to say right now about that gap? So it feels out of my control, I have no say in it.
This feeling of having no say. This feeling of having no say. Top of the head. Of what I have being not what I want. Of what I have being not what I want. Eyebrow, or at least there being a gap. Or at least there being a gap. Side of the eye, it's outside of my control. It's outside of my control. Under the eye, and I'm not sure I like how that feels.
I'm not sure I like how that feels. Yeah, I don't like how that feels. The nose. So I'd like to clear any and all memory. So I'd like to clear any and all memories. Chin. Any and all unfinished imprints. Any and all unfinished imprints. Whole bones. Where I felt like things were outside of my control. Where I felt like things were outside of my control.
Under the arm. In my business. In my business. I'd love that to clear now. I'd love that to clear now. I'm gonna stop and check in a second. Nice deep easy breath for me.
So what's coming up now? I feel more focused. Like this is the thing to look at and to focus on it. And I'm, as you say, I'm super excited and I can't wait and I can feel it, taste it, touch it, smell it, all of that. And part of me is going it's easy. Just tell people about it. And there's that resistance again of uncertainty and.
I don't know how. OK. I don't know. I don't know how or what to do. OK. So let's just go straight back in actually because it's the same aspect. On the eyebrow. I don't know how or what to do. I don't know how or what to do. Side of the eye. I need to tell people about this retreat. I need to tell people about this retreat.
Under the eye, because it's gonna change their lives. Because it's gonna change their lives. Under the nose is gonna be incredible. It's gonna be incredible. And I am fully aligned to it. Now I'm fully aligned to it. I have zero doubts about the impact of it. I have zero doubts about it. The I wonder if I can be open to ideas.
I wonder if I can be open to ideas. Top of the head about how to let people know about it. About how to let people know about it. I wonder if I can be open to resources. I wonder if I can be open to resources. Side of the eye to ideas and inspiration. Ideas and inspiration. Under the eye, to opportunities, perhaps with other people.
To opportunities, perhaps with other people. Under the nose, who can help me promote it. Who can help me promote it. Chin. Or anything else that wants to come forward. Or anything else that wants to come forward. Yes, carpets. And I wonder if I can give myself permission. And I wonder if I can give myself permission.
Under the arm, to release any resistance that might be there. To release any resistance that might be there. That's a hat. When it comes to talking about this retreat. When it comes to talking about this retreat. Let's stop and check in. Nice easy breath. Oh, am I so good? Excuse me? You're very welcome.
What came up there? Little bit of
I don't even like saying it. Interesting, it's the same thingy, same thing of impatience. and frustration and the voice is the resistance is nothing's ever worked before. Why do you think this is going to work? And I just, I don't even want to entertain that thought. So it's Oh, shut up.
But it does. I feel it in my breathing. Yeah. Okay. So I'm not going to say the words, but I'm going to honour it anyway. And it's okay. Yeah, it's fine. This voice, side of the eye, this pesky voice that keeps coming up. This pesky voice that keeps coming up. The eye. I'm listening. I'm listening.
Under the nose, but I'm just not taking any notice. Just not taking any notice. Chin, because it might be an old voice. It might be an old voice. Collarbones. It's certainly not an aligned voice. It's certainly not an aligned voice. Not true.
Not a new beginning voice. Yeah, under the arm. And I wonder what my new beginning voice would sound like. I wonder what my new beginning voice would sound like. Top of the head. Releasing this old unaligned voice. Releasing this old unaligned voice.
Let's see what happened there. Oh, some lovely yawning. Yeah, it's great. So I go into a bit of a cheerleader over the top. You got there! Yeah, it's big and that feels a bit too big. It's so somewhere in the middle of those would be great. We can do that. Like the nurturing parent part of me to know.
I'd like the nurturing parent parts of me to know. Yeah. The side of the eye. Do you, you can go a little gent, a little bit easier on me. You can go a little bit easier on me. Oh, the eye. I'm grateful you're, that you got, oh god, I'm grateful you have my back. I'm grateful you have my back. The nose.
Let's just show it in a more chilled way. Let's just show it in a more chilled way. On the chin. All the support I've already got. All the support I've already got. All the tools I've got in my arsenal. All the tools I've got in my arsenal. Yeah, under the arm. This exciting retreat. This exciting retreat. On the head.
This quiet excitement. This quiet excitement.
So let's see if that does anything more. Yeah, like a proper yawn. Just while you're having a good yawn, sometimes it can take sometimes it can feel in tapping an energy work in general things aren't shifting for the first few rounds, or, as you can see with both of us, we do a couple, and then we check in, we do a couple of rounds, and we check in, because if you don't, you miss different aspects coming up, yeah. So it's really important to honor all of it. And it doesn't mean we have to deep dive every single thing and tap the crap out of it. What it means is that we are giving it a voice. And when you give it a voice, effectively that unfinished trauma loop or imprint, emotional imprint that never got to finish, never got to complete, gets to complete.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And so it's really important, even if it was gobbledygook, I would still say it for you to follow me around because it means you and your body, right? Not me. And that's why it's really important, as you say, to check in every round, every couple of rounds and don't censor what you're saying.
If you're tapping on your own, just say it. Tap and talk is a really great tool. Just, that mushroom is purple. I don't know where that came from. But yeah, like whatever it is that comes to mind. Purple mushrooms? It's a fact. It's a whole other podcast. But no. Under the skin of Jemima and Emma.
We don't do purple mushrooms. No, we don't, no. I've never done purple mushrooms. That's the next step. No, it's not controversial. Mushroom omelette. Anyway, I know my chickens have laid three eggs and I'm like, Oh, yes. Friday night on this. But however random it is, we are very random at times. And it's bad.
I want to come back to the original Purpose, but it's okay to wander off and that's when you're tapping on your own, that's what can happen, isn't it? You can go too far on a tangent. Suddenly, you're thinking about the washing up, you run out of time, blah, blah, blah. So this, if you do one round at a time and come back to the original statement or the original issue.
Just keep checking in, that will keep you on track. Yeah, and it's a really valid thing to say because what can happen, and I've experienced this in the last two weeks, is you can start to think that EFT doesn't work. And it absolutely does. Absolutely. And this is the benefit of doing it with a practitioner who can guide you, who can look at your body language and go, hang on, what's coming up?
So I always say to my students, watch out for the eyebrow action. So when people's eyebrows go like that, something's going on, or they look a different way, or they, yeah, so keep your eyes peeled. And if you don't, so there's two very quick tips here and then I'm gonna, I think we're going to leave you to it.
Two very quick tips is if you don't know what to say, because it can be paralyzing, right? If you haven't done it before, either pretend you're talking to a friend. If you've got a friend in front of you and you think I'm going to just tell them everything about my day and get it off my chest, just literally vent like you would.
And if it helps to just choose one tapping point, just do that, right? If it makes it easy, make it easy on yourself. The other thing is, you can journal it out, how you feel about it, and then read it out as you tap on either the side of the hand or the collarbones. If you're a pro, you can tap all the way around.
Because when you hear it, it's, your brain hears it differently when you say it out loud than when you put it on paper. And it's almost something about that energy that comes out into the ether that voices what you've put on paper, it's so powerful. I'm always referring to that, don't mention Voldemort kind of thing they're all terrified of the name.
Oh, look, nothing happened. Like it's this hidden fear when you voice it. It's Oh, okay. It doesn't mean anything. It's just some letters. So you can just. allow it into the light, it's safe to talk about it, it loses its power. Absolutely. So I hope, how do you feel now, Jemima? Are you good? Yeah, I'm good.
I'm going to create some postcards. I've got some posts coming up. I know who I'm going to I'm just going to, I'm going to sit with that image of being there and we're all having lunch outside under the tree in the garden at the retreat place. That's the image that came. I was wearing this rather lovely cardigan that I'm wearing right now, which is a beautiful color.
Thank you. So yeah, I'm going to really sit with that and just, trust what comes up and do it. Tell people. Exactly. I am happy to share it too. And if anybody this will be released before the. Retreat. So if you hear this, and you want to see if there is a retreat place, get in touch with I hope there's only spaces left.
I've only got 10 spaces. There might not be by the time we There might not be because it's highly There's only 10 places because it's going to be so restrictive to people what they need. But what you might want to do is get in touch with Jemima and get on the waitlist for the next one, right? Yeah, I've got another date this time next year.
I'll be on the second one. So there you go, I see always all day with me. Anyway. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. As always beautiful. I'm excited. Can't wait to get on. Fabulous. I'll see you next one. See you next time. Lots of love.